
Vision of IICT

The IICT (Innovations In Compiler Technology) workshop aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts in the field of compiler technologies. This year's theme focuses on the cutting-edge advancements in design, implementation, and optimization of compiler techniques as well as their applications in emerging software and hardware platforms. The workshop consists of accepted talks by our esteemed Program Committee along with invited talks by experts from both academia and industry. This is a novel opportunity to interact and learn from experts and enthusiasts from both academia and industry.

What types of people attend?

  • Active developers of compilers
  • Students and Researchers in the field of compilers
  • Those interested in using compiler and toolchain technology in novel and interesting ways


Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Financial partner

Hospitality partner

We are looking for sponsors! Your support will help us deliver a high-quality, impactful workshop, fostering the next wave of innovations in compiler technology. Join us in making this event a remarkable success. Three sponsorship tiers are available Platinum, Gold, and Silver. Please reach out to know more about different tiers. Every sponsor will get their names listed on our website. Sponsors can also put booths to showcase their products, talk about their offerings, and share open job opportunities. You can directly donate using the link below or email for any help.

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The IICT (Innovations In Compiler Technology) workshop aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts in the field of compiler technologies. This year's theme focuses on the cutting-edge advancements in compiler design, implementation, and optimization, and their impact on emerging software and hardware platforms. We invite presentation proposals for our upcoming workshop.



Compiler Optimizations

Techniques for improving performance, energy efficiency, code size, and security.

Domain-Specific Compilers

Design and implementation of compilers tailored for specific applications or hardware architectures (e.g., AI, machine learning, high-performance computing).

Compiler Frameworks and Tools

Advancements in compiler infrastructure, intermediate representations, program analysis, and transformation tools.

Just-in-Time (JIT) Compilation

Techniques for dynamic code generation and optimization, adaptive compilation, and runtime feedback.

Programming Language Design and Implementation

Compiler support for new or evolving programming languages, including type systems, concurrency models, and memory management.

Hardware-Software Co-design

Compiler optimizations and techniques for emerging hardware architectures, such as heterogeneous systems, FPGAs, and accelerators.

Compiler Verification and Correctness

Methods for ensuring the reliability and safety of compiler transformations and optimizations.

Compiler Education and Outreach

Approaches for teaching compiler concepts, promoting diversity and inclusion in the compiler community, and fostering collaboration.


Classical Compiler Techniques

Classical Compiler Techniques

Classical compiler techniques for performance, codesize, debugging and software engineering

  • Code Generation and optimization techniques
  • Performance of runtime libraries (like standard libraries, high performance libraries)
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Exploring the intersection of AI/ML with compiler technologies

  • Compilers for AI/ML
  • AI Frameworks (Tensorflow, Pytorch etc.)
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Improving the security of workloads using static/dynamic analysis techniques and validating compilation transformations

  • Improving the security of generated code
  • Validating compiler optimizations (translation validation)
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WEB3, Blockchain, Emerging Tech

WEB3, Blockchain, Emerging Tech

Compiler techniques for shaping the next generation of technologies

  • Programming language advancements to address Web3 challenges
  • Verification of smart contracts using abstract interpretation (e.g., symbolic evaluation) techniques.
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  • Presentation Format: Proposals should include a title, abstract (250 words maximum), and a brief outline of the proposed presentation (500 words maximum). Please indicate the preferred presentation format (either oral presentation or poster presentation).
  • Submision Deadline: September 1, 2024


  • Process: All submissions will undergo a rigorous review process by a program committee of experts in the field. Selection criteria will include relevance to the conference theme, technical merit, clarity of presentation, and potential impact on the field.
  • Notification of acceptance: September 14, 2024

Travel Assistance

We are providing travel assistance to current undergraduate and graduate students who need financial support to attend the workshop. All students are encouraged to apply. Note that the travel assistance will be granted for student attendees on a case by case basis. Please email with a legitimate reason for requesting travel assistance.

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